Off-grid property powered by a PS System

Powerguard PowerStation - PS System

Owners of off-grid properties have two options to provide electrical power:

1) Arrange connection to the national electricity grid.
This can cost from £10,000.00 to more than £250,000 depending on the distance and complexity of the connection. Obtaining permission to bring power cables across land owned by others can make it even more difficult and expensive.

2) Generate your own electricity.
Typically costing between £20,000.00 and £37,000.00 depending on the size of the property a Powerguard PS System will generate electricity efficiently reliably and automatically.

The Powerguard PS System is a cost effective solution for providing electrical power to domestic or business properties that are not connected to the national electricity grid.

The Powerguard PS System is designed and built to supply electrical power 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The high quality output will power all equipment and appliances designed to be connected to the mains supply. The PS System is reliable, easy to maintain and has a long working life.

The Powerguard PS System includes a sophisticated control system, inverter, battery charger, battery bank and generator. It controls a remote auto-start generator and the system to provide electricity as efficiently as possible. It will provide the maximum amount of electrical power for every drop of fuel consumed.

Typical PS system block diagram

The above sketch shows the main components of a typical PS System. When the generator is running it supplies power to the load through the changeover contactor. At the same time it also powers the charger, recharging the batteries. The path is shown by the red arrows.

When the PS System shuts down the generator the load is supplied from the battery via the inverter through the changeover contactor. The path is shown by the blue arrows. The PS System starts the generator to power the system at preset and calculated periods during the day using the surplus power to recharge the batteries. It automatically adjusts the battery charge rate to avoid overloading the generator. The generator load is kept within the most efficient band for the best fuel economy. When the generator is shut down the load is powered from the batteries via the inverter.

Typically the reduced generator run-time increases the operating life of the generator by more than three times and reduces fuel use, pollution and maintenance by more than 60%.

In a typical application, providing electrical power to a mixed and variable load such as a domestic dwelling or business, the generator will run for less than eight hours each day. Adding renewable energy will dramatically enhance the system reducing fuel consumption.
The Powerguard PS System is the complete answer to generating your own power.

Renewable Energy

The Powerguard PS System has a dedicated input to connect a renewable energy source such as PV (photovoltaic) solar panels, wind generator and/or hydro electricity. The sophisticated control monitors the renewable energy coming into the system and adjusts the engine run-time accordingly.

As the price of solar panels have reduced considerably over the last two years, they have become the more popular choice. Solar panels have no moving parts, have a long life and need very little maintenance.

For example, in many applications in the UK, twenty four PV solar panels can provide virtually all of the power required for a typical three bedroom domestic property for four or five months of the year. Even during December, usually the worst month for solar energy, a useful contribution will still be made. A 1kW wind turbine can also make a useful contribution in the winter months at a reasonable cost. PV solar array and wind turbine diagram A larger wind turbine can be installed if the location is suitable.

The PS System optimises the use of renewable energy, further reducing fuel consumption.

The PS System will monitor the power coming into the system from renewable energy sources and if the battery becomes charged can switch the spare energy into an immersion heater to provide hot water.

Powerguard believes that the PS System is the most efficient off-grid power source available with the lowest cost of ownership. It is built to British and European safety standards using industrial quality components and is both reliable and cost effective. Powerguard gives a three year on-site warranty applicable within the UK mainland.

Powerguard manufactures power systems used in critical applications including hospitals, theatres, stadia, MOD sites, airports and public buildings. We have many satisfied users and reference sites.

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