Electric vehicles being charged

Grid-Boost for Electric Vehicle Charging

Electric vehicle fast charging in unlikely places
Efficient, automatic, integrated, and eco-friendly

The Powerguard Grid-Boost system is a form of energy store installed between the mains supply and the load. It is designed to give the load, which are normally electric vehicle fast chargers, access to supplemented power when a grid supply cannot provide enough power to cope with peak demand.

For instance, if there is a need for eight 50kW vehicle chargers with a total load of just under 500kVA and the mains are only able to provide 100kVA, the Powerguard Grid-Boost system would be able to step in and provide the remaining power requirements.

How Does the System Work?

The Grid-Boost system is compatible with most standard mains supplies and can be customised to suit any load, from one to multiple chargers, and can supply power to any combination of high-powered electric vehicles such as 22kVA, 43kVA, 25kw, 50kW, 100kW and 150kW.

The system features a high capacity battery, two chargers and two high-power inverters. The power management system operates the control, and the information is available in real-time on the display.

If the demand is too high, the chargers are restricted until the incoming power catches up. Think of it as a large tank of water that is being filled from a pipe - this represents the incoming mains supply. Large buckets then remove water at regular interludes, this is the power supplying the electric car chargers, the amount of which will depend on the how fast the water is entering the tank.

This system takes advantage of the fact that the chargers will not be in use at the same time all the time. The chargers also do not take full power all the time, because, as the vehicle battery charges, the power decreases to protect the battery.

Sketch showing a typical layout of the PS Grid-Boost system


The system is designed to be a complete off-grid power system which is both reliable and incredibly efficient. We specialise in providing power in remote locations, to ensure that electric cars can still be charged in isolated areas where the available mains supply isn’t sufficient to charge the vehicle on its own.

To revisit the previous example of a typical location that only has access to a 100kVA mains supply, and a total load of up to 500kVA made up of eight 50kW chargers, our solution would be installed in two 20ft ISO containers.

The Grid-Boost system can also be installed in buildings or in specially allocated areas in or outside the building itself. This system takes advantage of the fact that the chargers will not be in use at the same time all the time. The chargers also do not take full power all the time, because, as the vehicle battery charges, the power decreases to protect the battery.

2 x 250kVA inverters installed in a 10ft ISO container

Powerguard have much experience building and installing electrical power systems, including Central Battery Systems and CPS for emergency lighting and critical loads; and also off-grid power systems.

The Powerguard Grid-Boost system is built to British and European safety standards using industrial quality components and is both reliable and cost effective.

We give a 3 year on-site warranty applicable within the UK mainland. However we will consider including other more remote sites.

Powerguard manufactures power systems used in critical applications that includes hospitals, theatres, stadia, MOD sites, airports, and public buildings.

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